“In my mentoring sessions and group classes I hold a space of compassionate truth. I see you and I see your gifts. Our time together will encourage you to see them. To own them and share them freely.”
MON-FRI, 8-8:40am
Over Zoom
These online classes were birthed during the time of COVID-19. Each class is unique, guided and pulsing with potency. The group explores meditation, movement, subtle energies and notions of right action during this time of change. Immersing in the dance of nuances between form and formlessness, movement and stillness. Playing with polarity and paradox. Resting in the deep wisdom and knowing of the heart as greater intuitive guidance, peace and love are experienced.
One of the most fascinating aspect of the class is how the group interacts and shares. Rebecca brings a clear teaching to the class, however the experience is collective and co-creative. Each participant contributes through their voice, experience and innate wisdom. Everyone in the group transmits teachings which Rebecca leans into and draws out in a way that shines light on all.
The class is deeply experiential. In addition to seated meditation, multi-dimensionality is embraced through a range of somatic and dance practices. Teachings are incremental with each layer offering a deeper embodiment of true essence. The energetic field created is potent and amplified. As the group attunes to it, much expands, fortifies and becomes revealed. It’s quite thrilling. In the words of one participant “each class is epic.”
If you want to be part of this group, reach out to Rebecca to see if it’s a fit. It’s possible that some individual sessions will be required prior to attune you with the group energy.

"Everything begins at the level of Spirit. As subtle energy, with limitless potential. That’s why it’s essential to intentionally interact with Spirit. To understand how it dances with matter, and how this relationship relates to our minds, hearts, bodies, creativity and purpose."
"The goal is to find truth within you."
spirit – angela
“I am an artist/educator working in a large Australian university. Rebecca has been my intuition coach for the past 18 months. In her I’ve found a powerful guide who meets you where you are and is able to gently steward you to a place of inner strength, creativity, fearlessness and deep intuitive knowing. Rebecca has helped me to connect deeply to experience my life and work as an integrated creative process.”
Dr Angela Clarke
spirit – bree
“I have always received the most heart-centered and keen guidance from Rebecca. She is always present, discerning and playful as she seeks the threads that will most serve me. I love the way she weaves her insights and articulates her understanding of the underlying themes. Rebecca knows how to dive deep. She loves to navigate the unseen realms of our subtle soul selves, and she does so with love. I value her insights, her acuity and her heart.”
Bree, Acupuncturist
spirit – nelson
“I highly recommend experiencing Rebecca’s gifts. I’ve worked with her for 5 years and the growth I’ve experienced is significant. She’s helped me ground into my own truth and to live more authentically.”
Nelson, Business Owner